Steve Budin who leads the Budin Group, a financial services and wealth management firm in Las Vegas NV and Carlsbad CA was our recent guest speaker. Steve is well known for his financial advice he shares with local audiences on KTNV Channel 13. He provided some of his unique insight to our local business owners about the near-term economic picture in Las Vegas.

Most top financial planners like Steve learn to be cautious with their clients money, so even when things seem to be going very well for the Las Vegas economy he still remains cautiously optimistic. When he speaks to some of his local clients, he gets some great insight into the development in Las Vegas. Recently a few of his clients mentioned land costs and construction costs have risen at steeper pace than many would like. However, he feels it is still a story of continuous economic growth and he is definitely optimistic that we are a glass "half full" economy in Las Vegas.

There are so many large projects already funded that are underway propelling our local economy forward. Steve said that for every dollar spent in the local economy it creates six dollars in additional revenues passed down to other businesses.
